The condition of having less than the normal number of red blood cells or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood.
Having the potential to kill a virus.
A hepatitis virus that last for 6 months or longer- without symptoms.
A mental condition that last an extended period of time (weeks to months), can be indicated by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and discouragement, as well as difficulty concentrating and inactivity.
The identification of a disease by its signs, symptoms, and/or laboratory tests.
Feelings of being very tired or having low energy despite getting enough sleep.
Mild or moderate fever, chills, headaches, and muscle aches.
A specific genetic variation of the hepatitis C virus- usually denoted or classified genotypes 1-6.
Inflammation of the liver sometimes accompanied by jaundice, enlarged liver, fatigue, and nausea. Most commonly caused by a virus that attacks the liver (viral hepatitis).
A virus spread through contact with human blood. It is usually chronic (the most serious form of hepatitis). There is no vaccination.
An immune response indicated by redness, heat, pain, and swelling.
Forcing a liquid into a body part, such as using a needle, to put medications or nutrients into the body. There are three basic types: 1) intramuscular, into a muscle; 2) intravenous, into a vein; and 3) subcutaneous, under the skin.
The largest internal organ of the body, about the size of a football, that neutralizes poisons, makes important body chemicals, and does many other "jobs" to maintain health.
Mathematically each log drop represents a 9/10ths reduction - or 90% reduction - in viral counts (For example: 2 log drop of 1,500,000(copies of virus) IU/Ml = 15,000(copies of virus) IU/mL).
Feeling sick to the stomach with an inclination to vomit.
A null responder is someone who achieves little or no decrease in hepatitis C viral load during HCV treatment. Null responders are highly unlikely to respond to re-treatment with an interferon-based regimen.
Substance made naturally by the body that necessary for growth, function, reproduction, and repair of living tissue.
A mature blood cell that contains hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodily tissues.
Retreatment of non-responder or relapser chronic hepatitis C patients with interferon plus ribavirin vs. interferon alone.
Unwanted or uncomfortable effects on your body or emotions caused by medication or a treatment.
To add physical or emotional pressure or strain; can cause an emotional or physical reaction.
When there is no detectable hepatitis C virus present in the blood sample 6 months after completion of therapy.
A warning sign or signal.
Medical action taken to control or manage illness or disease.
Pertaining to a virus.
The amount of hepatitis C virus in your blood.
Tiny infectious particles that cause disease in humans, animals, or plants by invading cells and changing their chemistry in order to make more viruses. Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics.
An important group of cells making up the body's immune system. They can leave the bloodstream to seek out and destroy "invaders" such as viruses, poisons, bacteria and tumor cells.