A condition where your own immune system which normally fights infections and viruses mistakenly attacks normal, healthy tissue, creating inflammation.
Biologic medicines, made from substances found in living organisms, block aspects of the immune system that are overactive in rheumatoid arthritis.
Long-lasting, ongoing.
Inflammation-reducing steroids. These steroids (such as hydrocortisone) are some of the most frequently used rheumatoid arthritis treatments.
class of medications that are used to slow the progresson of rheumatoid arthritis.
An agent that suppresses or prevents the body’s immune response.
Most commonly used DMARD for rheumatoid arthritis. It can be taken as an injection or as a tablet. Requires regular lab monitoring of liver functions.
medications used to treat pain and inflammation that do not contain corticosteroids. Common over the counter medications in the class include ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.
The most common form of arthritis, primary symptoms are pain and stiffness in the affected joint. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis is not systemic (throughout the body).
A doctor who specializes in treating inflammatory disorders of the joints, muscles, ligaments, and bones.